
The module provides the activities in the time scale in the Internet browser window.

Timeline module displays a current status of scheduled activities each time you access.


  • User timeline displays all the user activities cross-project per client.

  • Subordinate users’ timeline shows all activities of the subordinate user (based on Administration-Organization chart) cross-project per clients.

  • Clients timeline provides all client’s activities in all projects.

  • Portfolio timeline includes all activities of a project portfolio.

  • Project timeline provides all activities of a project.

First, click on the button Timeline.

As described in functions 5 different types of timeline are available.

After clicking on one of the tab, you can view the time list.

If you move the mouse over speech bubble, you can notice the information about projects and employees.

Timeline in Internet browser window

Click on the button Timeline in the column Actions

to get the project information in the form of timeline.